Entries by Thomas BIDAUX

Nintendo and Sony’s state of denial

A couple of weeks ago, following the E3 trade show in Los Angeles, Kogi Tagushi, Senior Executive Officer at Square-Enix, declared he was “humiliated by the decline of Japanese titles”. Now, Mr Tagushi was mainly talking about the poor representation of Japan at the show in terms of new games and IPs, however the decline […]

Do we still need E3?

Let me start with the following statement: E3 has been one of the best events for ICO this year. I had excellent meetings there and I was very happy with the outcome for us. But, Iultimately believe it was an anomaly.   This was my first E3 since 2006, the last “big year” for the […]


Takeaway from the Nordic Game Conference

A few weeks ago, Thomas and I attended the Nordic Game Conference in Malmö, Sweden. Although most of our time was spent meeting with representatives of the very impressive Scandinavian game development industry, we had a chance to see some of the talks, and came back with a few thoughts on current trends in the […]


That’s Farewell in German. Exactly a year ago, Martin joined ICO Partners as the first non-partner employee. It was a big step for us and quite a big risk for him. I remember telling him that there was a chance that the growth we were predicting would not happen and that it wasn’t a “safe” […]

Nordic Game 2011

Next week, Julien and I will be attending the Nordic Game conference in Malmö. We will be there from the Tuesday to the Thursday, listening to the lectures, meeting with existing and future partners, but we should still have a fair amount of time if you want to come and have a chat with us. […]