Entries by Thomas BIDAUX


Game Forum Germany this week

<img class=”alignright size-full wp-image-1107″ title=”gfg” src=”https://www.icopartners.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/gfg.tiff” alt=”gfg” width=”294″ height=”126″ />This week the <a href=”http://www.nordmedia.de/content/digitale_medien/digital_media_cluster/game_forum_germany/index.html”>Game Forum Germany</a> in Hannover takes place and I have been invited there to speak about the Free to Play games market in Europe. That’s a topic I have spoken about a lot in the past year and anyone familiar with this blog […]

2010 online games trends

After doing the same exercise last year,  we felt it was a bit difficult to do a new trends prediction this year, as many of them are in continuity with the ones we announced for 2009. A year later, we still feel most of them have been happening or are on their way, so don’t […]


GFG 2010 – The aftermath

<img class=”alignright size-medium wp-image-1115″ title=”gfg” src=”https://www.icopartners.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/gfg-300×128.gif” alt=”gfg” width=”300″ height=”128″ />The event in Hannover proved to be very good. I was particularly impressed by the content, all the speakers being very good in their field. But there is something that needs to be said on the organisation as well which was spotless. It reminded me of […]

F2P in Europe presentation – From Quo Vadis

Quo Vadis was in April, so this presentation update is coming to you with some delay, but better late than never (as they say)! I have decided to change the format of the presentation though. Rather than uploading the one that supported my lecture at Quo Vadis, I’ve made a “generic” presentation based on it […]


Game Forum Germany this week

This week the Game Forum Germany in Hannover takes place and I have been invited there to speak about the Free to Play games market in Europe. That’s a topic I have spoken about a lot in the past year and anyone familiar with this blog has seen an iteration of that presentation. I will still […]

Twitter basics for online games

If you’re doing community work or marketing on behalf of an MMO or other type of online game, you’ve probably already discovered twitter as a tool for reaching your players. Whether you’re just starting out or already managing an account, we’ve come up with a short list of things to think about when planning a […]